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It is a PVC resin with Rice husk additive, whose characteristics make the product water resistant, UV resistant and 100% recyclable, thus suitable for outdoor use, for processing with normal woodworking tools. The use of rice husk whose main component is silicon oxide, allows the material to be loaded with a silicate-based component, which is a chemical element that has very low water absorption (they are almost hydrophobic compounds) and high hardness.

The presence of rice husk has a synergistic effect with PVC, achieving a noticeable improvement in flexural modulus in that if a rigid PVC has a flexural modulus ranging from 2200 to 2400 MPa ALFAFIBER has a flexural modulus of 3560 MPa.
The product can be used for faux wood finishes (including brushing) or coated by co-extrusion to achieve the desired surface. Its chemical composition also provides high stiffness, very low shrinkage and coefficient of thermal expansion.


Composition: PVC with rice husk
Lambda 0.199*
Can be used indoor and outdoor, UV resistant
Density: 1.45 ÷ 1.50 gr/ccm
100% water resistant
Elastic modulus: 2340 Mpa
Breaking load: 22 Mpa /
Flammability: V0
Coefficient of linear expansion: 3.6 *10-5 K-1
Available colors: VARIOUS

Uses: counterframes, thresholds, other uses
